Basic Pool Maintenance Tips
Like everything in life, prevention is key when maintaining your pool.
There are a few simple techniques to help ensure your pool is in peak condition throughout the swimming months
Keep the skimmer basket clean:
By cleaning out the skimmer basket a few times a week, you can rest assured that your filter is working at peak efficiency.
Your pool cleaner will need to be used less often if you are taking these small simple steps regularly as it increases the flow rate and sucking power in your cleaner.
Lift the skimmer basket out and give it a shake to release all of the trapped particles and give a quick clean with the hose, this should get your basket looking like new, bar any stubborn dirt.This will only take a few minutes and your pool will be so much happier for it.
Clear the pool of any surface debris
The buildup of debris in the pool is one of the main causes of algae forming and your pool changing colour.
Use your pool scoop daily to remove leaves, insects and other dirt and this could save you in the future having to buy new chemicals. The removal of this debris helps your filter system run more efficiently.
Invest in a pool cleaner:
Keeping the pool floor clean and debris free is just as important as the pool’s surface. There are many great cleaners on the market such as robotic vacuums or the suction variety. These wonderful machines keep your pool in great condition without you having to do all the hard work. After all having a pool is supposed to be enjoyable.
A Pool Cover is helpful:
To reduce your pool maintenance have a pool blanket fitted to make your life easier! A pool cover helps prevent debris from entering the pool and reduces water evaporation and can also help to increase and hold water temperature.
Your Water Level is important:
You pool will get a lot of use through the hotter months and as a result the water level tends to drop. Evaporation in the heat can also contribute to this. Ensure your water level never drops below the filter level at any stage by simply popping your garden hose in to replenish water levels.
Clean your pool filter regularly:
If your filter becomes clogged with debris it will become inefficient. Make sure to give it a clean a few times a month to ensure your filter is doing its job efficiently.
Check the your pool levels:
Your pool's pH levels can tell you how happy your pool really is! Testing at least once a week enables you to keep on top of any problems that may arise. If unsure about the levels, simply bring a pool water sample into any of our stores for free testing. Our staff are happy to let you know if all is ok or if you need any chemicals to balance it.
The ideal pH levels for you pool is between 7 and 7.6 - see chart below for how the pools pH levels compare to other well known chemicals
Why should I chlorinate:
Why is chlorine added to swimming pools?
Additional Chlorine is added to the water to kill germs and is especially important when your pool has had a lot of use. When it is added to a swimming pool, it forms a weak acid called hypochlorous acid that kills bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, as well as germs that cause viruses such as diarrhea and swimmer’s ear.
When is it time to shock your pool?
- Every couple of weeks during the swimming season.
- When your pool is outside of the recommended free chlorine levels of 2-3 ppm. Shocking your pool will raise the chlorine level.
What about a salt pool?
Yes, even salt pools need a little help once in a while. Salt water pools utilize a chlorinator to convert salt into chlorine. However, even salt water pools need to be shocked when the chlorinator cannot keep up with a heavy load of contamination especially after a lot of use.
If in doubt bring a water sample in store and chat to our experienced staff who can advise you on what is best for your particular pool.