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What are Phosphates and why do I need to remove...
Phosphates act as food for algae, which can cause growth when their levels get too high.
What are Phosphates and why do I need to remove...
Phosphates act as food for algae, which can cause growth when their levels get too high.

What are the repercussions of TOO MUCH Chlorine?
Exposure to high levels of chlorine can cause lung irritation, skin, and eye damage, and provoke asthma.
What are the repercussions of TOO MUCH Chlorine?
Exposure to high levels of chlorine can cause lung irritation, skin, and eye damage, and provoke asthma.

What is Mustard Algae and how do I fix it?
Mustard algae, yellowish-green or brown in colour, and usually attaches to pool walls and other items including pool equipment, toys and even your bathers.
What is Mustard Algae and how do I fix it?
Mustard algae, yellowish-green or brown in colour, and usually attaches to pool walls and other items including pool equipment, toys and even your bathers.

My pool is cloudy - how do I fix it?
If you have just discovered your pool has turned a little cloudy - follow these instructions and you should have a clear pool in no time!
My pool is cloudy - how do I fix it?
If you have just discovered your pool has turned a little cloudy - follow these instructions and you should have a clear pool in no time!

How often should I test my pool?
You may be wondering how often you should actually test your pool water?
How often should I test my pool?
You may be wondering how often you should actually test your pool water?

Shocking a Pool
When and why should I shock my pool?
Shocking a Pool
When and why should I shock my pool?