Help! My pool is green!
Why is having a green pool bad?
An untreated pool has the potential to carry bacteria and viruses which can cause a range of health problems such as ear infections and skin irritations. Green pools also pose a safety risk if bystanders cannot see a swimmer struggling at the bottom of the pool. If left untreated for long enough, pools can also become a nesting ground for mosquitoes. The best option is to prevent your pool from going green if you’re thinking ‘uh oh, too late’ check out the steps below to get your pool back to its pristine state.
How do I fix my green pool?
Cartridge Filters
- Prep your equipment - Take cartridge out and reseal lid, clear all baskets of debris
- Shock the pool - Add 1kg CHLORINE per 10,000ltr
- Brush walls and floor - Rub pool walls and floor and scoop all debris from bottom of the pool
- Add quality algaecide - add ALGAECIDE 450ml per 10,000ltr
- Floc the pool - QUICK FLOC 200ml per 10,000ltr
- Run the pump - Run pump for 1 hour then turn system off until water is clear. If not clear after 48 hours please chat with your local WA Pool Warehouse store
- Clean cartridge - Good time to FILTER CLEAN cartridge
- Vacuum the waste - When pool is clear, fill pool to the top then vacuum to waste.
- Balance the water - You will need to test and balance the water
- Check your equipment - Check all equipment is working correctly
Media Filters
- Prep your equipment - Backwash filter and clear all baskets of debris
- Lower pH - add 250ml of ACID per 10,000ltr
- Shock the pool - add 1kg CHLORINE per 10,000ltr
- Brush wall and floor - Rub pool walls and floor, and scoop all debris from bottom of pool
- Add quality algaecide - Add ALGAECIDE 450ml per 10,000ltr
- Add clarifier - Add CLARIFIER to skimmer basket
- Run the pump - Run the pump until water is clear. If not clear after 48 hours please chat to your local WA Pool Warehouse store
- Vacuum the waste - When pool is clear fill pool to the top then vacuum to waste
- Balance the water - You will need to test and balance the water
- Check your equipment - Check all equipment is working correctly
How do I prevent my pool going green?
It can be simple to prevent your pool from going green overnight. Just follow this simple tips and your pool will stay clear all year round:
- Keep your sanitiser levels up - algae usually is a result of a drop in Chlorine levels!
- Run your filter for around 8 hours a day in summer and adjust accordingly for the colder months. Backwash or clean cartridges often
- Regularly clean baskets and vacuum to remove organic matter
- Test water chemistry whenever you clean baskets
- Add a copper based algaecide quarterly