Enjoy your complimentary Water Test today - WA Pool Warehouse

Enjoy your complimentary Water Test today

Get your pool water tested regularly with our state of the art Waterlink Spin Touch system completely Free of Charge!*

The Future of Water Testing

The innovative WaterLink® Spin Touch® photometer does all your pool and spa water testing for you.

Each sealed reagent disk contains the precise amount of reagent needed to run a complete series of tests. Just fill one unique Spin reagent disk with less than 3 mL of water and all your vital tests are done automatically—in just 60 seconds!

It’s the most advanced system for precise use of wet chemistry methods ever produced. 

What does my water test mean?


The pH test measures the acid or base condition of the water. Balancing means preparing the water so that the protective products you add later will work most effectively.

Why is this important?

Firstly, if your protective products aren’t doing their job properly, your pool can be over-run by nasty micro-organisms. Secondly, unbalanced water may be corrosive, resulting in damage to the equipment in your pool. Also, the water balance should be in harmony with the human body, with a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6. This keeps the water pleasant while preventing eye and skin irritation.

Test every few days during peak season.

To increase pH use pH Up or Alkalinity Up. To decrease pH use pH Down (Acid)

Total alkalinity

Measures the level of sodium bicarbonate or alkalinity products (base soda) in the water. Maintaining (stabilizing) the correct pH is dependent on total alkalinity. Your goal is to keep it between 80-120ppm.

Test at least monthly.


Is the most widely used element to purify the water and eliminate harmful micro-organism such as bacteria and algae. It occurs in two forms: free chlorine and combined chlorine. Free chlorine is the ‘active’ purifier; combined chlorine is a by-product that gives off the strong chlorine smell but is far less effective in fighting bacteria. Your target free chlorine level should be 1-3ppm (parts per million).

Test every few days during peak season


Is the most abundant mineral in the pool. Calcium Hardness is the measure of dissolved calcium compounds in the water. If there is low calcium in the water then the water will try to take it from the surface and equipment, which will cause erosion. A high calcium level can cause cloudy water or scale formation. Calcium should be between 200-400ppm.

Test monthly

Use Aquashield3 (Prevention of calcium and magnesium build up on pool surface.) or Calcium Up to raising your calcium levels in your pool water.

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